This site is not a ‘Medical’ Keto Site
The methods followed by this site are not those of a standard Medical Ketogenic Diet and we are NOT Low Carb High Fat (LCHF).

This Ketogenic Way of Life uses a well formulated and slightly different version of  the standard HFLC Ketogenic diet.

layman’s terms

FactOur bodies require a certain amount of fat energy to run each day. If that fat level intake is not achieved your body will take the fat from its own storage hence reducing your body fat.

FactIf you do not limit the number of carbohydrates that you consume, your body will use the carbohydrate energy before it uses the fat energy. This fat is then stored for later use but if it does not get used it just builds up.

FactIn order to retain our body muscle, we increase the amount of protein we take in.  The body muscle storage then replaces the fat storage making you stronger and leaner.

no one was ever born fat



This website was created to help people that are looking to lose fat and improve their health, through the balanced nutritional whole food-based way of life.

FactWe use a well-formulated version of the ketogenic diet designed to keep your body in a state of ‘Ketosis’ hence the term ‘In Ketosis’.

Ketosis is a normal metabolic process. When the body does not have enough glucose for energy, it burns stored fats instead. It is certainly more conducive to fat loss and muscle retention but it is hard work and you will need to stay focused.

FactWe have a proven guideline for eating a well-formulated Ketogenic diet that thousands of people have found effective in reaching their health goals. By assessing your macros and keeping track of your intakes you will lose the fat that you long to be rid of.

There is a very good reason for the way we do things, and you can find out all you need to know if you continue reading below.


Our site consists of a community of people in various stages of living this lifestyle who want to share their personal recipes and experiences.

FactThis Ketogenic Plan is not a Diet. It is in fact a way of life where we only advocate for whole foods being used and do not condone processed or junk foods as a means to meet macro requirements.

We are here to support each other in reaching our personal goals and by keeping  A positive mental attitude.

A word from the owner

Hi everyone, welcome to my site. I decided to build this site so I would have a source for different recipes, so please add your favourites. Thank You. InK

Please note that your post will not be approved if the recipe does not meet the guidelines set forth on this site or if your story talks about cheats or other plans that we do not follow.


This is the most important macro.

FactProtein is always paramount (adequate meals and daily amounts) and should be a primary directive!

FactNot only is this total amount of protein a day very important but also the pattern of intake can have dramatic results as well!

FactFor increased fat burn, pattern your meals with at least ⅓ of your daily protein in each meal spaced 4+ hours apart with no snacking.

FactThis pattern of intake maximizes muscle protein synthesis (MPS). MPS is very energy demanding and is equivalent to about 1/2 hour of exercise.

FactWe advocate for the use of whole foods as a method to reach protein goals, as opposed to protein shakes.

FactFor those who have had weight loss surgery (WLS), a protein shake may be the only possible way to achieve an ideal protein intake.

FactFor everyone else, unless there is a good reason to select this option, this site will advise using whole foods before supplementation.


The primary macro focused on in a Ketogenic Diet is carbohydrates.

FactIn order to attain a state of nutritional ketosis, where our body uses fat instead of glucose for energy, carbohydrate intake must be below a certain threshold.

FactThis threshold is different for everybody, but here, guidelines have been provided that should help most.

The guidelines set out in this site suggest that you keep carbs low, under approximately 20-25 g a day to put and keep your body in ketosis. [You will get your number from the macros chart later on this page.]

However, we do not encourage you to attempt a “zero-carb” approach for a number of reasons:

  1. It is very difficult to accomplish as good protein sources that are prolific like eggs/cheese/cream/organ meats/shellfish do contain carbs.
  2. Muscle building can be difficult to achieve without some carbs.
  3. The subject is not well explored but seems to have increasing anecdotal evidence that can cause fuel flow issues when ketosis is too high (starvation ketosis per Phinney and Volek, >3.0 mmol/l blood beta-hydroxybutyrate).
Please note:
We will always encourage LOW CARB vegetable options and discourage the use of high carb vegetable options, wheat, grains, and unnecessary processed foods.
Some may choose to do certain types of carbs at targeted times to support work-outs or intended, specific vigorous activity (CKD – Cyclical Keto Diet, TKD – Targeted Keto Diet).


Fat can come from either the plate or the body.

FactTotal fat burned is a combination of body fat and dietary fat and the amount from each is going to depend on if you are in weight loss or maintenance. Our guidelines assume a desire to reduce body fat and are set accordingly.

FactOnce you reach your fat loss goals, we have instructions for Maintenance (found in Resources).


  • You want to keep fats lower than protein in grams, but high enough to address brain, hormonal and vitamin needs, so please stay at or slightly (10 gm) below your recommended fat by our charts to be safe.
  • Absolute minimum fat intake (but NOT to be done on a regular or chronic basis) is 30 gm of fat to avoid gall stones, but please keep in mind this low intake will not properly feed your brain and other needs.


  • You raise the number of fats you are eating until you stop losing weight, keeping carbs low and protein the same.
  • Those in maintenance or targeting specific energy/caloric requirements may do more/less depending upon said goals.
  • There will be links in the resource section explaining maintenance further.

There ARE good fats and bad fats.

FactWe encourage good fats in the form of avocado, butter, olive oil, macadamia oil.

MCT oil (which also includes coconut oil) MAY be beneficial to those in maintenance or requiring energy, but only for specific and targeted physical activity  (running would be a good example). They are NOT to drink coffee or tea.